I met with Gary Gerrard who is running for Congress in
Georgia’s 10th district for about an hour on Thursday. He is
very interested in what he can do to help with our lake situation if
elected. He sees the recommendations being put forth by Save Our Lakes Now
as sensible and wondered why the Corps is not doing anything with them.
We agreed that the basic problem for lake stakeholders is we have no meaningful
representation at the Corps meetings where release rates, etc. are
discussed. We desperately need someone who has skin in the game from the
stand point of recreation who will not be a yes man for the Corps.
We need to pass the word that our votes in upcoming
congressional or senatorial races can make a big difference on how our lakes
are managed. The current representatives and Senators for some reason are
staying at arm’s length from the battle. The changes needed to correct
our problems with lake levels are not complicated. We already know how to
eliminate the destruction to recreational infrastructure using what has been
learned in recent droughts. But our leaders sit quietly by while the
Corps waits for further study to be done. Even when the studies are
complete we will not be any better off unless we can get representation in interpreting
the study results. We all know from problems with our government that the
way something is interpreted depends on the mindset (eg. Democrat vs
Republican) of the person doing the interpretation. The same holds true
with interpreting the results of lake studies.
I urge you to make sure the person you vote for in the
upcoming elections is concerned about our lakes and willing to get into the
fray over how our lakes are managed. At the very least they need to
insist that recreation ,the one Corps responsibility that is being ignored, be
put into the equation of balancing the basin.