If you are interested in joining with your friends around lake Thurmond in improving the Corps' handling of lake levels there are several things that can be done right now:
1) Stop by Lincolnton Marine and sign the petition for reducing discharge flows from the dam
2) Email the author of this blog site with either your agreement with the thinking of this blog or your thoughts if they differ. The email address is clontz_jerry@bellsouth.net. I will add your email address to a master list of people interested in our lake. If you do not wish to be on this list all you have to do is indicate this in your email and I won't put you on the master list.
Others ideas will be presented in this blog as they are obvious.
It's going to take us working together to make things happen. The organizations in existence right now have proved to be ineffective by virtue of the way the lakes are being destroyed with no outcry from the people being affected. Our congressmen and state government can bring about change but they need our backing to move forward. Right now all they have is the knowledge that the people and businesses downstream will yell loudly if we reduce the flows. As the old saying goes "the squeaking wheel gets the grease".
I will try to air all views that could change the current thinking by the Corps. For example if the Corps insists on keeping the flows at 3100cfs why not measure the flow at the locks downstream of the dam so we get the benefit of stream flows coming in downstream of the dam. At present when it's raining these flows are ignored and we are putting a lot more water through the dam than is needed to maintain 3100cfs downstream. Another example is why not challenge the property taxes that are high because we have property on the lake. The point is we need to get our politicians attention if we expect them to help.
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