We asked for a copy of all requests for going to 4000cfs. There were no such requests from any businesses or public interests along the Savannah River. The only requests were from government entities with "sky is falling" type thinking. None of these govenment agencies knows a way to make water with a dam so their imagined concerns go away when you tell them we will pass on everything that comes in from mother nature. And our porposal for 3600cfs anytime the lakes are 2' low does just that. All that is needed here is for these agencies to be a little patient and let the lakes refill. From that point on the releases from Lake Thurmond would no longer be restricted. The Corps can go to any rate they wish until the level drops more than 2'.
We need for our congressmen and state governments to demand responsible behavior in controlling lake releases. Releasing more water than comes in from mother nature is irresponsible. And dropping lake levels to the point that it destroys the economics of communities around the lakes is also irresponsible. Responsible behavior demands that the Corps base their release rates on the amount of water available from rain. The benefit of daming water to form a reservoir like Lake Thurmond is to average river flows over a years time to avoid both floods and greatly diminished river flows. The mistake made by the Corps and "sky is falling" type government agencies who advise the Corps is they try to put more water downstream than is provided by mother nature. This leads to costly drops in lake levels and endangers all downstream interests by raising the possibility of destroying the lakes.
We need to continue demanding that the Corps return to 3600cfs until the lakes refill.
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