The Corps of Engineers now has a blog of its own entitled “Balancing
the Basin”. The title is very misleading
because in reality the Corps is not balancing our basin. True balance would mean balance between all
the various responsibilities the Corps is assigned by Congress and balance
between lake interests and river interests.
The Corps claims the proposal by Save Our Lakes Now to use 3600cfs (3100
in winter) release rate anytime the lakes drop more than 2 ft is out of balance
in favor of lake interests and unfair to river interests. In reality it is the Corps’ drought plan that
is out of balance, not the proposal by Save Our Lakes Now.
If Save Our Lakes Now wanted to have the Savannah River
System run in favor of lake interests we would simply ask the Corps to let the
lakes overflow as rainfall occurs. This
would allow river flows to return to their natural state prior to building the
dams. From the way the Corps describes
our proposal you would think we are selfishly trying to keep the lakes full
without any regard for what is happening in the river. In reality our proposal balances lake and
river interests while theirs is totally out of balance. By releasing only 3600cfs when the lakes are
2’ or more below full pool we avoid the severe droughts along the river that
occur when you match daily rainfall.
Additionally you keep the lakes at reasonable levels because you are
matching releases with annual rainfall. This approach is much like balancing your
budget. You don’t have to balance income
with expenses daily but if you spend more over the span of a year than you make
you are on the road to bankruptcy just as the Corps is on the road to
destroying the beautiful Savannah River Basin .
In the latest issue of “Balancing the Basin” the corps mentions
that fishermen sometimes are unable to fish In some oxbows of the river because
of low river levels. I can only assume
they are trying to claim recreation below the dams is destroyed by too low a
release rate. When Save Our Lakes Now mentions
recreation being destroyed on the lakes we are not talking about a fisherman
not being able to reach a given fishing spot. We are talking about the huge infrastructure
for recreation that is about to be bankrupted.
Already parks are closing, real estate purchases by people wanting to be
at the lake for recreation have been destroyed, and people are leaving our
lakes in favor of more stable lakes elsewhere.
The next time you see something from the Corps explaining
how Congress has tied their hands because of various responsibilities try one further
test as to whether they are really balancing things. They will give double talk about all kinds of
environmental concerns (double talk because the concerns are all maybe, might,
sky is falling type concerns) look for any concern about recreation which is
one of the responsibilities Congress has given the Corps relative to our lakes. Unlike the maybe and might concerns of
environmental issues the fact that the recreational infrastructure for our
lakes is being destroyed is real: TOO REAL.
The next time the Corps mentions balancing the basin I hope
you will think twice about what they are really saying. And the next time the Corps points to the
proposals of Save Our Lakes Now as being totally unbalanced I hope you will
understand that that claim is simply not true.
1 comment:
Great work but I think misses the fundamental reason CORPS action is illogical and inexplicable. This is all about the money. Use FOIA to discover rate kwh is sold to SEPA. It will be deeply discounted to average cost of other SEPA generation.= Huge profits and forstalled capacity installation. Web has been intricately woven over time disguising use of publicly funded generation capacity/operation costs (dams) to benefit power companies AND others enabling the scam (now we see why our politicians are not fighting for us?). In non-drought historic periods our lakes were full and economic derivatives healthy. Now the in drought, public gets sacrificed. And all for some relatively small special money flow -e.g. at $.o7/.08 kwh Thurmond power sales value is about $25million annually. What is lost regional value of low lakes? Right!
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