As we've discussed many times a 4' drop in lake level before decreasing release rates causes destruction of recreation. From that point the lake will drop more than 10' in a severe drought even if minimum release rates are initiated. Following is a repeat of our recommendations for protecting recreation along with all the other concerns the Corps is supposed to be protecting for the Savannah River Basin.
- Maintain lake levels at full pool as long as this can be done without dropping release rates below 3600cfs. In other words balance input and output in such a fashion that the lakes stay full rather than allowing the lakes to drop several feet before becoming concerned about lake levels.
- Once the lakes drop more than 2’ with a release rate of 3600cfs, maintain 3600cfs (3100 in winter months) until the lakes return to full pool.
- Anytime the lakes are down more than 2’ and the river is swollen from heavy rains, shut off flows from the dams until the river flows return to normal. This will help minimize the amount of time reduced release rates are needed.
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