Thursday, May 21, 2009


Colonel Edward Kertis established a new level of communication with lake concerns as the lakes almost went dry. This gave hope that finally we could reason with the Corps. Recent developments however show clearly he is no friend of lake interests; either downstream or upstream. For some reason he refuses to listen to reason. With the lakes about to refill the Corps is recklessly ignoring the lessons of the recent drought and they have increased the releases from Thurmond Dam to 3800cfs and plan another increase to 4000cfs shortly.

We learned in the recent drought that downstream interests are in extreme danger of losing the water flows they need for industry, water supplies, and environmental interests with the current drought plan. If the current rains stop and the drought returns, the flows the Corps is initiating could destroy the lakes in no time.

The Corps simply needs to let the lakes refill completely before initiating higher flows. Then putting in place a new drought plan based on the lessons of the previous drought, the lakes would remain full even in a drought. This plan would eliminate the possibility of a crisis downstream. The Colonel has been fully informed of all this. Why then is he ignoring the lessons of the past and jeopordizing everyone along the Savannah River with reckless operation of the dams.

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