Sunday, August 30, 2009


I looked at the Corps charts for Lake Thurmond Friday and was very surprised to see that the Corps has finally dropped release rates back to 3600cfs. I don't know whether this means we are winning the battle over release rates or something else is afoot. But finally the ridiculous waste of lake level has stopped. Lake Thurmond is a foot lower right now than it would have been had the Corps not increased release rates to 4000cfs.

If you are talking to or sending email to the Corps or your Congressman or State Government officials about the lake please make sure you let them know we are very pleased to see release rates that are sensible. To finally end this madness and mismanagement of the Lakes we now need a formal drought control plan that specifies 3600cfs anytime Lake Thurmond is below 328'. The main reason a formal written plan is needed is so we can restore confidence in the lakes and end the destruction of the economy of the lake communities. Without this in writing people will naturally be afraid that the Corps will repeat past history and the economy will suffer the consequences.

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