Monday, October 26, 2009


The Savannah River is swollen from all the recent rains. Downstream interests are certainly not hurting for more water in the river. Upstream interests on the other hand are holding their breath waiting for the lakes to finally reach full pool for the first time in years. So why is the Corps suddenly increasing release rates through Thurmond Dam from the 3600 cfs lake residents have been pleading for to 4200 cfs that does no one any good.

It would have been good if the Corps had continued the 3600 cfs release rate until the lakes were totally full. Going up to 4200 cfs raises doubts in the minds of upstream interests about the Corps'. Upstream interests suffered tremendous devastation to economies and recreation that could have been prevented. All the Corps has to do to prevent a recurrence of this devastation is adopt our recommendation of 3600 cfs (3100 during October to February) anytime the lakes are 2' below full pool until the lakes are completely full. Increasing releases to 4200 cfs before the lakes refill is like telling lake residents to take a hike.

I had high hopes for future relations with the Corps. This uncalled for increase in release rates raises serious doubts about getting the cooperation we need.

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