Saturday, June 29, 2013


Everything looks great right now with all the rain and the lakes full.  But the way the Corps controls lake levels through the fall and winter months can wipe out all our gains in one season.  Right now the Corps management plan calls for a 4’ drop in lake levels in October, just like they have done for years.  The reason for this draw down is to provide room for heavy rains in the winter and spring.  When this was put into effect we only had one lake (Lake Thurmond) to catch the run off.  Now there are 3 lakes and a 2’ drop in level now equates to a 4’ drop  before Hartwell and Russell were added.  We have pleaded with the Corps for years to back off to only a 2’ drop in the Fall but up to now they have not agreed to such a change.


We need help from our congressman and all lake stakeholders to get the Corps to make this change.  Please contact your congressman and the Corps now about making this change in the way the lakes are operated before we get to October.  Unless we act now the lakes will be down 4’ come next January which puts us behind the eight ball when it comes to returning to full pool in 2014. Protecting recreation for next year begins this October.  What we do over the Fall and Winter months can make the difference between reasonable drops in lake level during a drought and the disastrous drops in lake levels we’ve experienced in recent years.

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